In between rounds and before the fight it is common practice for fighters to have vaseline applied to their eyebrows to prevent potential cuts. Nurse applied vaseline to his St. Pierre's eyebrows in between the rounds and before the fight.
However, it was observed from the crowd that Nurse put vaseline on St. Pierre's eyebrow then rubbed St. Pierre's back. It is not known how much vaseline was still left on Nurse's hand. It is unclear what the Nevada State Athletic Commission will do in this case.
The ball would seem to be in BJ Penn's corner to file a formal complaint with NSAC. The commission would then determine what occurs. It is possible that NSAC could overtun the result of the fight to an NC.
Would vaseline have helped in the fight? I highly doubt it. GSP looked to be the more game fighter at UFC 94. He was stronger, bigger and faster than Penn and seemed to control all the action. But, there is a possibility that a Penn submission was harder to accomplish. It will be interesting to see what happens as new facts come to light.
(funny gif found on photobucket)
*It appears that the UFC will now only allow state mandated cutmen to apply vaseline to fighters in all future events. The fighter will get the vaseline applied immediately before entering the octogon.
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